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What Jesus Wants for Your Life

By Anna West
Posted On Jun 13, 2024
In response to the grace we’ve been given, we’re called to turn every part of ourselves toward Jesus.

How’s Your Spiritual Health?

By Keith Simon
Posted On Jun 06, 2024
Take time to assess your spiritual health and discover new ways to follow Jesus.

16 Recommended Summer Reads

By Noelle Richter
Posted On May 30, 2024
What will you read this summer? Here is a list of recommended books from staff and members of The Crossing to add to your TBR list.

4 Practices to Keep You from Drifting into Isolation

By Colleen Luley
Posted On May 23, 2024
Learn how to reject the cultural drift and stay connected to God and to community.

Pentecost: What It Means and Why It Matters

By Jeff Parrett
Posted On May 18, 2024
Learn about Pentecost and why it matters in the bigger story of God's redemption.

From Friends to Family: The Bible’s Vision for the Church

By Anna Lynne Frazier
Posted On May 16, 2024
This sibling dynamic is the paradigm God gives us for his church. So how do we move from friendship into familial relationships with other believers?