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Inviting Someone to Join You: Fall 2024 at The Crossing

By Noelle Richter
Posted On Jul 25, 2024
Find the perfect event to invite friends to! From pickleball to summer nights, you'll find plenty of opportunities to connect and grow together.

Do You Know Your Enemy?

By Shay Roush
Posted On Jul 18, 2024
Man Christians live as if Satan doesn’t exist, but Jesus believed he’s a very real enemy to be resisted. And so should we.

Was Jesus a Feminist?

By Keith Simon
Posted On Jul 11, 2024
Learn how Jesus challenged cultural norms by seeing, valuing, and empowering women.

How to Manage Unmet Desires

By Ryan Wampler
Posted On Jul 04, 2024
We all have desires that go unmet, but it’s still surprising and challenging to experience them. Learn some healthy ways to respond when what you long for isn't happening.

When Following Jesus Feels Like a Social Risk

By Christina Hedrick
Posted On Jun 27, 2024
It’s scary to stand out. But he reality is, following Jesus can feel like a social risk. It won’t always be received well.

Parenting and Smartphones: Setting New Norms for our Church and Families

By Patrick Miller
Posted On Jun 20, 2024
The the benefits of giving your child a phone worth the risks? Patricks Miller lays out some challenges kids and teens are facing and how you can help.