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Top Blog Posts from The Crossing in 2021

December 28th, 2021

2 min read

By Celia Rose


What is one thing you did that helped your faith this year? Maybe you finally stuck to your Bible reading plan. Maybe you started going on prayer walks. Or maybe you committed to getting involved with church again.

So, what’s your plan for 2022?

Whether you want to answer big questions about Christianity, you’re curious about what certain passages of the Bible mean, or you just want to challenge your opinions, The Crossing’s blog can help.

Not sure where to begin? Here are our top blog posts from 2021.

Is The Crossing Too Political? by Patrick Miller

In 2021, everything seems politically charged. But has The Crossing, as a church, leaned even further right or left on the political spectrum? Here’s why the answer could be right, left, both, or neither.

How To Make Friends: 2 Key Ingredients by Kelley Wampler

Has this year felt lonely? Unsure of what to do to make lasting friendships? Kelley Wampler shares two practical steps to help you make deep, meaningful friendships this year.

What the Church Must Stop Doing to Women by Keith Simon

Culture has skewed the way the church views the role of women. Here’s how Jesus views the role of women and what the church gets wrong.

Why I Didn’t Watch The Queen’s Gambit (and You Don’t Have to Either) by Joseph Honescko

If you did the math, how many hours did you spend watching TV this year? While entertainment isn’t sin and Netflix isn’t evil, here’s why resisting some shows could benefit your faith.

16 Recommended Summer Reads compiled by Anna Lynne Frazier

Looking to get more into reading in the new year or just wanting to pick up your next read? This list of book recommendations from members and staff of The Crossing is a great place to start.

What Is Communion and Why Do We Do It? by Kyle Richter

You might take communion regularly, but do you know why you take it? Simple answer: the Bible says so. Learn more about the significance of taking communion.

Is the Rapture Real? By Patrick Miller

What do you believe about the end times? Your answer to this question defines the way you live today. Not sure? Here’s a biblical perspective of the end times. (Spoiler alert: it’s nothing like Left Behind.)

Why You Aren’t Experiencing God (And How to Fix It) by Keith Simon

Have you felt distant from God this year? Looking for a way to experience God more this year? Keith shares what might be off about the “experience” mindset and how to shift it.

3 Conversation-Starters for Your Family about Pixar’s Soul by Emily Pilkington

Have you had the chance to watch Pixar’s Soul yet? Here are a few conversation-starters to discuss with your family about how the movie does and doesn’t line up with the Bible.

Losing Faith? Three Reminders for When Doubt Strikes by Andy Patton

Doubt is inevitable in the life of a Christian. Maybe this year was full of it. Here are three truths to remember when doubt strikes.

The Danger of Gluttony: How Over-Consumption Leaves You Bloated and Empty by Dave Cover

We live in a culture fixated on always seeking more to fill us up. Dave shares how overconsumption can leave us feeling empty instead of full and how to avoid this feeling.

God-Ordained Genocide? Making Sense of the Invasion of Canaan by Andy Patton

If God is loving and good, why does he commission wiping out entire nations in the Old Testament? This article from Andy Patton is a helpful tool for understanding what actually happened during the invasion of Canaan.

The Real Reason You Don’t Have Time to Read the Bible by Patrick Miller

How did your Bible reading go this year? Do you wish you would’ve spent more time in God’s word? Here’s how to make more time for reading the Bible in 2022.

The Best Books I Read in 2021 by Keith Simon

Looking for more ways to learn something new this year? Whether you’re looking to read fiction, non-fiction, or a book to grow your faith, check out Keith’s list to find your next read.