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Between Two Identities: Discovering Who You Are According to God’s Story

By Lynn Roush, LPC
Posted On Feb 24, 2022
Learn how to discover your true self in light of what scripture-- and psychology-- teaches. Lynn Roush, LPC explains how the two are related.

The Beauty Quest: What Story Do You Believe?

By Rachel Tiemeyer
Posted On Jan 20, 2022
Our culture draws us in at a young age to tell a story of what beauty is. Rachel Tiemeyer shares why, and how, we can believe the true story of beauty.

A Better Rule for Your Life: Developing a Plan to Connect with Your Creator

By Jeff Parrett
Posted On Jan 13, 2022
You need a good rule in your life. Not one to keep or break, but one to guide. Learn how rules can actually bring freedom and flourishing to your life.

Top Blog Posts from The Crossing in 2021

By Celia Rose
Posted On Dec 28, 2021
What are the things that have helped you grow in your faith this year? Check out our top blog posts from 2021 for more ways to learn and grow.

Talk is Not Cheap

By Shay Roush
Posted On Oct 26, 2021
In a world where the loudest voice seems to win, how can Christians be counter-cultural in the ways they speak to and about one another?
Red ocean with text: God-ordained Genocide? Making Sense of the Invasion of Canaan

God-Ordained Genocide? Making Sense of the Invasion of Canaan

By Andy Patton
Posted On Oct 13, 2021
Violence? Conquest? Murder? How can a good God command war and bloodshed? Dig deeper to see how there is more to the invasion of Canaan than meets the eye.