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Is The Crossing Right for You?

August 31st, 2021

2 min read

By Patrick Miller


Maybe you’re new to Columbia, Missouri, and looking for a church?

Here’s the good news: there are lots of great places to worship and build community in our city. 

We know that picking a church is a big decision. And we know that you might be trying to figure out whether The Crossing is the right place for you or whether somewhere else is a better fit.

Here are a few questions you might be asking:

1. Is The Crossing too big for me?

If you’re looking for a small church experience, you’ll probably feel a bit lost the first time you visit. But we never set out to build a big church. We set out to build a community. As a result, we always make it a goal to make our big church feel small by helping people connect into small groups, Bible studies, service teams, and lots more.

2. Are there other people like me at The Crossing?

It’s easy to think that a church is for a certain kind of person. Well, we’re not that kind of church. We have people from every kind of age demographic, gender, sexuality, race, political party, socioeconomic bracket, and marital status that you can imagine. This is a community for imperfect people. We want you to come as you are because we know the gospel won’t leave you (or us!) the same afterward.

3. Does The Crossing teach the Bible?

Absolutely. We believe that the Bible is God’s word, which means it’s the only faithful guide to living a happy, wise, fulfilled, meaningful life. The Bible tells the true story of reality—the only story that makes sense of our own journey. Our mission is not just to teach the Bible, though. We want more people to believe that Jesus is more. More than wealth. More than success. More than pleasure. More than fame. More than children. More than marriage. More than work. More than everything.

4. Will my kids grow at The Crossing?

We take children and teenagers seriously. This means that on Sunday mornings, we don’t just babysit and entertain. We write age-appropriate children’s programming to help your young kids grow in their love of Jesus. Likewise, we help teenagers connect the Bible to their life by connecting them with older mentors and friends. It’s a simple approach, but we think it’s life changing.

5. Can I make friends at The Crossing?

Whether you’re in college or in your 20s or in your 60s, you will find people here in your life stage. Through small groups and social events, you’ll get many opportunities to meet new people and build new friendships. This is because we believe that intentional friendship is a key part of Jesus’s vision for a life well-lived.

6. Does The Crossing serve the community?

We take stewardship of our resources and time seriously. We do this in big and small ways. On the bigger side, we partnered with RIP Medical Debt to cancel over 43 million dollars of medical debt in Missouri in 2019 and raised over $600,000 to cancel Columbia’s utility debt in 2021. On the smaller side, we partner with ministries all over Columbia, supporting them financially and with volunteer hours. Whether it’s tutoring at-risk high school students, caring for our disabled community, or serving food to the homeless, we are there.

7. Who leads The Crossing?

That’s a great question. Let me know if you find out the answer. In all seriousness, The Crossing is led by a plurality of leaders. Keith Simon and Dave Cover preach on Sunday mornings. But they serve in the church alongside an elder board, an executive team, numerous pastors, and a team of ministry leaders. If you check out our staff page, you’ll discover that we have men and women using their leadership gifts in a wide range of capacities.

I hope this helps answer some of your questions. We know The Crossing isn’t right for everyone, so we’re grateful to all the other churches in Columbia serving God’s kingdom alongside us.

Want to learn more about the Crossing? Sign up for the fall Discovery Class. Each week, a pastor will cover a different topic such as what The Crossing believes about the Bible, the gospel, God’s sovereignty, and creation.