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What to Expect at Summer Nights

By Audrey Sharp
Posted On Aug 22, 2023
Don't miss Summer Nights at The Crossing! From food trucks to games to worship, find out what you can expect at this unique event.

6 Ways to Deepen Your Friendships

By Keith Simon
Posted On Aug 17, 2023
You don't have to settle for surface-level friendships! Keith Simon shares six ways to take the next steps to deepen your friendships.

Surprising, Great News about Real Christian Men

By Kermit Summerall
Posted On Aug 16, 2023
Real Christian men have an impact on their homes and communities. Learn about why (and how!) to take the next step in your faith.

Where Did All My Friends Go?: 3 Tips for Finding (And Keeping) New Friends

By Samantha Miller
Posted On Aug 10, 2023
Take advantage of the gift of deep friendships as life gets busier. Here are some tips for making new friends at any stage of life.

What to Expect When You Join a Small Group

By Ryan Wampler
Posted On Aug 03, 2023
Wondering what it looks like to be a part of a small group at The Crossing? Learn about what to expect when you join your first small group.

Refresh Your Faith: Why You (Still) Need Baptism

By Kermit Summerall
Posted On Aug 01, 2023
Baptism is a physical reminder of what Christ has done for us, and when we celebrate it as a community we remember Christ's work together.