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Do You Know Your Enemy?

By Shay Roush
Posted On Jul 18, 2024
Man Christians live as if Satan doesn’t exist, but Jesus believed he’s a very real enemy to be resisted. And so should we.

How’s Your Spiritual Health?

By Keith Simon
Posted On Jun 06, 2024
Take time to assess your spiritual health and discover new ways to follow Jesus.

Lent: What It Means and Why It Matters

By Addison Hawkins
Posted On Feb 29, 2024
Discover the significance of Lent and how God can transform your heart and mind, leading you to a deeper recognition of your need for a savior.

Receiving Winter...Hoping for Spring

By Grady Frazier
Posted On Feb 29, 2024
Explore the beauty and purpose of both winter and spring and discover how to embrace each season with gratitude and wonder.

Train in Godliness: A Spiritual Fitness Plan for 2024

By Patrick Miller
Posted On Jan 25, 2024
Take time in the new year to assess your spiritual fitness, and then make a plan. Patrick Miller shares how to grow in your walk with Jesus in 2024.

Your Biggest Obstacle to Gratitude

By Noelle Richter
Posted On Nov 16, 2023
Discover how expectations can hinder gratitude and learn three practical ways to cultivate thankfulness in your life. Break the cycle of complaining and embrace a heart of gratitude.