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7 Easy Steps to Start Reading Your Bible

December 30th, 2020

1 min read

By Patrick Miller


Reading the Bible doesn’t require extreme intelligence or diligence. It requires finding your hunger and being honest about what’s holding you back. Once you’ve done this, it’s time to start. And starting is simple.

1. Grab a pen and paper.

Seriously. Right now. If you write down your plan as you read this blog, studies show you are significantly more likely to actually follow through on it tomorrow.

Wondering where to start? Download our Bible Reading Plan printout and use it to to set goals for what you read each day. Don’t forget to leave a few blank for “catch up” days!


2. Set a consistent time.

Pick a time when you have enough mental energy to read and you do not have people (friends, kids, coworkers, whatever) distracting you. 

3. Set your Bible next to a trigger.

If you read your Bible first thing in the morning, put it next to your coffee pot. If you do it at night, next to your toothbrush.

4. Start short.

People always want to go big and plan hour-long quiet times 7 days a week. No wonder they fail. The standards are too high. Instead, try 10-15 minutes a day, 3-5 days a week, then increase from there.

5. Make a rule.

“Rules of life” are old practices from monks that help foster growth the way a trellis guides a grape vine. The reason these old practices are still around is because they work! So set up a rule, before I can ____,I need to read my Bible. Before I… check my emails, look at my phone, watch a show, eat lunch, etc.

6. Start in the gospel of Mark.

It’s short, action-packed and all about Jesus. We even have a free guide you can download. Or sign up for this twelve-day email devotional to get a condensed version of our Mark study delivered right to your inbox every morning.

7. Set ordinary expectations.

Reading the Bible isn’t magical. It’s relational. It’s like making time for a friend or a spouse. The Bible does its work cumulatively, relationally, over time. Like most meals, you’ll forget it. And like most meals, it nourishes you for the day. Like most days, you’ll suffer if you go hungry. Don’t go hungry.

Now that you’ve got these steps, are you ready to get started? Sign up for our 12-day email devotional on the book of Mark and get daily devotions delivered to your inbox every morning.


Patrick Miller

Patrick Miller (MDiv, Covenant Theological Seminary) is a pastor at The Crossing. He offers cultural commentary and interviews with leading Christian thinkers on the podcast Truth Over Tribe, and is the coauthor of the forthcoming book Truth Over Tribe: Pledging Allegiance to the Lamb, Not the Donkey or the Elephant. He is married to Emily and they have two kids.