8 Reasons Why You Can’t Miss This Online Christmas Experience
November 26th, 2020
3 min read

Spring? Stolen. School? Closed. Summer? Bummer. Halloween? Haunting (even more so than usual). Does this sound familiar? For many, 2020 feels like a series of never-ending disappointments thanks to COVID.
And now a new addition to the list: Christmas? Canceled.
Not so fast.
While an online Christmas experience may be different than the in-person Christmas services you’ve embraced over the years, it doesn’t mean that we should chalk it up as yet another disappointment. What if this year’s “different” actually provides a whole new set of possibilities? What if what appears to be an obstacle is really an opportunity for a whole new kind of Christmas?
Want to know more? Here are eight reasons why you can’t miss the online Christmas experience: Light in the Night.
1. Reclaim your hope.
In a recent survey, 48% of Americans reported feeling hopeless on a weekly basis this year. Understandably so, as one disappointment has seemed to lead to the next.

But the truth is that our hope doesn’t have to depend on our circumstances. Even though this year (and this Christmas) may look different, our hope is the same: A King has come to be a light in the night.
In this online Christmas experience, expect to hear an encouraging message on how you can reclaim your hope from the chaos of this world.
2. Enjoy beloved Christmas music.
Buddy the Elf said it best:

One huge reason why you can’t miss this online Christmas experience is the music. Expect the classics: exciting musical twists, aesthetic backdrops, a moving choir. And most importantly, expect to be put in the Christmas spirit.
3. Anticipate an out-of-the-box experience.
The word “experience” is absolutely intentional here. Why? Because this isn’t a typical “service.” Think beyond a church’s normal Sunday livestream. This Christmas experience has been produced with a viewing audience in mind. That means it will be completely different, bigger, and more engaging than anything we’ve done before.
While there are certainly bummers to not being able to gather in person this Christmas, you can expect an entirely new, high quality, out-of-the-box experience because this isn’t limited to an auditorium.
4. Stay safe.
Throughout the year, we’ve pulled together to abide by all current health guidelines and make hard choices that prioritize everyone’s safety. That’s why the decision to have an online Christmas experience, while tough to make, was the right call. Experience the hope and magic of Christmas from the safety of your own home this year.
5. Connect with your family.
An online Christmas experience not only means safety and convenience but, hopefully, a deeper level of connection for your family. Meaningful conversation can get lost in the shuffle of hurrying to leave an in-person Christmas service and discussing what’s on the menu when you get home.
This year, you can gather as a family at a time that works for everyone and experience Christmas in a new way together. Then, you could host a meaningful discussion immediately following the experience. With a little coordination (and since it’s all online), this could even be possible with family members who aren’t physically present with you.
Here are a few discussion questions we recommend to help you get started. Screenshot them now or come back to this post later to get your family’s discussion going once this online Christmas experience goes live.
- What stuck out to you the most?
- Did you notice anything new or something familiar that was presented in a different way that struck you?
- What are some hard things or areas of darkness in your life that you feel Jesus needs to bring light to?
- What’s something that you want to do differently in 2021 as you rely on Jesus more and look to him as your ultimate hope?
Good news! You don’t have to wait until Light in the Night goes live to make this Christmas season more meaningful for yourself or your family. Check out our full Christmas site for content designed to help you connect with God and others.
6. Bless others.
You know the person in your family who always finds an excuse to not come to church for Christmas Eve services? Not this year. You know the friends and family spread out across the country that you would love to go to church with but can’t because they’re in a different city or state? That won’t be an issue now.
Because of the way this online Christmas experience is packaged, you’ll be able to share it with friends and family no matter where they’re located or where they are in their faith. This provides you with a unique opportunity to bless others in a meaningful way this year.
7. Give to others in need.
At the end of this online Christmas experience, there will be an opportunity to respond by giving to others in need. We’re excited to partner with an organization whose mission aligns with our message: a light in the night has come.
Want to know more about this charity and how you could help? Be sure to sign up below to be the first to know when Light in the Night goes live!
8. Make the most of 2021.
Once again, for many, 2020 has felt like a series of never-ending disappointments. But the good news is that we don’t have to let this year define the next! We can place our hope in something far more powerful than our circumstances.
As a part of Light in the Night, we want to set you up well for 2021, not only through the message given, but also through practical and meaningful follow-up content. Our desire is to help equip you to make the most of 2021.
We hope it’s clear why you can’t miss this online Christmas experience!
Light in the Night is LIVE! Click below to watch and worship with us.