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Inviting Someone to Join You: Fall 2024 at The Crossing


Do you ever go to an event and realize: this would have been perfect to bring [insert friend] with me?

Sometimes, I get in my head wondering what someone would say if I invited them. But more often than not, I realize that I should have taken the risk and asked. I feel cared about when someone thinks of me – so why don’t I invite someone to come with me more often?

Here are a few things coming up that could be good to invite that friend…

1. Men’s Pickleball Night and Men's Open Gym 

WHAT: Men’s Pickleball Night on August 2 and Men’s Open Gym are some of the easiest ways to invite a guy to join you to play pickleball (and basketball). On August 2, you can bring someone for pizza and pickleball at Columbia Sports Fieldhouse. If you're looking for something more casual and consistent, try Men's Open Gym. Who doesn’t love getting together for a pickup game at the gym? Most Thursdays this fall, The Crossing gym is open from 7-9 p.m. for any guy to come play on our pickleball and basketball courts. If you have a coworker or neighbor that you’ve been wanting to invite to The Crossing, this is a perfect way to come hang out! 


2. Small Group Previews

WHAT: This is a great time to join a group that meets regularly throughout the year. Maybe you’re already in a small group and want to invite a friend to your group. Previews are an easy way to share about a small group, the commitment, and getting them connected to your group. This takes the pressure off your friend giving you an answer right away, and it is helpful to share a realistic expectation for the group.


  • Small Group Preview, August 11 & 18 at 9:45 a.m. and August 25 at 6:00 p.m. | Sign up now!
  • Twenties Preview, August 18 at 11 a.m. and August 25 at 6 p.m. | Sign up now!

3. Veritas 

WHAT: Do you know a new college student in Columbia? Or work with a college intern looking for a church? Veritas meets on Tuesday nights in The Crossing’s auditorium for a college-only service. Being in college can be lonely, but it’s a pivotal time to make connections that will shape the rest of a student’s life. Tuesday nights at Veritas are the first step to meeting other students and getting involved with our vibrant college community.

WHEN: Tuesday nights starting August 20 at 8 p.m. | Find out more!

4. Twenties Connect 

WHAT: Twenties Connect is a Sunday morning class for … you guessed it, Twenties! Whether you’ve recently graduated or are new to town and are looking for community—or you’re looking for a low-barrier way to connect with a friend—this class meets throughout the semester and may be the best starting place for someone new to come with you to church! If you have a friend who has never been to The Crossing or isn’t sure what to expect, this is a great place to start.

WHEN: Sunday mornings at 11 a.m. beginning September 15 | Sign up now!

5. Newcomer’s Gathering

WHAT: Who is the friend who has come with you to Easter or Christmas Eve or the occasional Sunday but hasn’t taken the next step to come regularly? Offer to go to the Newcomer’s Gathering with them! We’ll have brunch, and there will be an opportunity to meet church staff and hear more about different ministries. Sometimes, it’s helpful to meet a few more people and hear about something new.

WHEN: August 25th at 11 a.m. | Sign up now!

6. Women's & Men's Studies 

WHAT: Do you have a friend or neighbor who you want to be better friends with? Maybe a coworker who knows you leave during lunch on Thursdays or Fridays for a Crossing study? They may be interested in coming with you! Women’s and Men’s Studies come in all different forms: lunch studies, daytime and evening options, and other one-time events like walk and book discussions. And they’re great opportunities to learn something new and have meaningful conversations with others. If you have a friend looking for a new way to engage and grow, invite them to join you for a Crossing Women or Men’s study this fall.


  • Women's Studies begin September 10 | Registration opens on August 2 and closes the week of September 3 | Find out more!
  • Men's Studies begin September 9 | Registration is open and closes the week of September 8 | Find out more!

7. Summer Nights

WHAT: Sometimes, people get out of the routine of going to church. It’s a lot harder to come back when it seems like you don’t know many people. Summer Nights is a favorite night of the year for our church for many reasons. Between gathering outside in the courtyard with food trucks, games and activities, and a short outdoor worship night—Summer Nights is the perfect event to invite someone who feels a little distant. It’s a relaxed evening outside with something for everyone, ending with worship and baptisms in our lake. I can’t think of a better way to bring someone into our community than with this fun, church-wide event.

WHEN: September 13, 5 to 8 p.m. | Find out more!

The Crossing has a variety of things going on – which may be overwhelming for someone who hasn’t yet taken the next step. Pray for the friend who comes to mind and pray about the best way to invite them. Even if your friend says no, it may not be ‘no’ forever. You won’t regret asking, and I’m sure they’ll feel cared for that you invited them.

 Want to get better about inviting people in? Truth Over Tribe interviewed Jim Davis about his book The Great Dechurching. Listen now and find out how you can make a difference in the lives of the dechurched.