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God Says, “Go!”: A New Book from Crossing Kids

How many times a day would you say you’re on the go?

If you count waking up, going to Starbucks before work, running an errand after, or driving to Chick-Fil-A for a mid-day lunch, it’s safe to say… we’re ALWAYS on the go. Those raising kids who play sports or are in band or are involved in after school clubs know this feeling all too well. Most of us, whether we’re young or old, work from home or go to an office, live life on the go.

But did you know that the theme of going is also in the Bible?

God told Abraham to go to a land he would show him, God told Moses to go, God told Jonah to go (plot twist: he didn’t want to), and God even told Noah to go do something most of us would define as crazy. In each of these cases, God told his people to go, showed or told them where, and they went.

It’s likely they had questions—How? Where? Am I too old? Are you sure about this, God? But even still, they went. And we’re called to go, too. But where?

That question, “But where?” is something we want to help readers answer in our brand-new children’s book, God Says, “Go!” We want kids of all ages to know that the call to “go” in the bible isn’t just for adults, it’s for kids, too! But we all wonder, “where?”

In Matthew 28:18-20, as Jesus is about to ascend into heaven, he gives his followers a charge… Go! Jesus calls each of us to go, but this call to go might look different than our usual on-the-go lives. This call to go comes with a purpose—we’re told the “where” (and the “who”)!

As followers of Jesus, we are called to go and “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”

As author Paul Tripp says, “You and I serve a sending God, and we are called to be going people. That means we’re called to be mobile, on the move, carrying this message of grace.”

Whether you stay at home with kids or you are a kid, go to an office or go to class, meet for coffee or meet up for play dates, or chat with people in the parent pick-up line or on the playground, you are called to go. You are sent by God to share the love of God and good news of Jesus.

I don’t know about you, but this shifts my perspective from being a person who is always on the go and living for myself to becoming someone on the go to further God’s kingdom.

It’s a high calling, but it comes with a promise.

Matthew 28:20 ends with the reminder that God will be with us wherever we go.

That’s why we wrote, God Says, “Go!”. We want to give families at The Crossing an engaging, biblically-accurate resource to help kids know what it looks like to go. In God Says, “Go!”, kids will learn about the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20, where Jesus tells his followers to go and make disciples.

Kids will discover that God wants his word spread to the nations, and they can be part of it! They can go locally or globally, sharing the good news and love of Jesus.

We’ve made this book available for everybody!
God Says, Go can be found at various online retailers. We hope this book encourages you and inspires you to… go!