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Consider the Darkness, Long for the Light

December 14th, 2023

3 min read

By Austin Conner


Advent is a season for Christians to remember the arrival of Jesus on earth. Because his incarnation changed the trajectory of the world forever, Advent is a reminder that a light has come to shine in the darkness.

But in order to long for the light, we have to understand the darkness. This reality offers us hope, because—although the holiday season is called, “the most wonderful time of the year,—for many people, it’s not.

Where’s the light if you're like Katie,* who’s in relational darkness?

 Katie's husband of 15 years just confessed to her that he's had an ongoing affair for the last 3 years. And it started because he felt lonely and unappreciated when she started traveling more for her job. Katie is crushed, confused, angry, and scared. How could this happen? Should she stay and try to work this out with him or should she divorce him? Should she tell their 12- and 10-year-olds?

Where’s the light if you're like Tom, who’s in financial darkness?

Tom has been working two jobs for the last 3 years to support his 7-year-old son and 4-year-old daughter. He won full custody of them after his wife left him for another man. However, both jobs are minimum wage and aren't nearly enough to cover the costs of childcare, rent, and food. He has had to take out several high interest loans in order to cover living expenses for the next 3 months, but he isn't sure this is a long-term solution. 

Where’s the light if you’re like Emily, who’s in mental darkness?

Emily is waging civil war in her mind. One part of her knows that God is all-knowing and powerful and loving. But another part of her cannot stop wondering why God would allow her to be sexually abused by a coach growing up. She has only told one other person about this, but they seemed overwhelmed by her disclosure and have not followed back up. Emily is beginning to wonder if her thoughts of "it would be better if I weren't alive" really are true.

Where’s the light if you’re like Jake, who is in the midst of emotional darkness?

Last year, Jake's wife was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer, which meant he had to become the full-time caregiver for her and their 3 young kids. After 6 months of care, he began experiencing panic attacks followed by days of extreme sadness, lethargy, and apathy. He was told growing up that emotions "made you weak." He was always able to overcome them, but these recent events have left him overwhelmed and desperately looking for help.

How can you relate with their darkness?

Where does your life feel the darkest?

What can you do now?

Here are 2 suggestions as you wrestle with both the light and the darkness of the Christmas season: 

  1. If you're in the Light, remember those who are in the dark.
  • Make a phone call to that family who just got some bad health news.
  • Write and mail a handwritten note to someone letting them know you're thinking of them this Advent season.
  • Offer to pay for a month of groceries for someone you know who is in need.
  • Pray every day for the person you're most concerned about. You could pray that their circumstances change, but especially pray that they know and feel the presence of the Light of Jesus in the midst of their circumstances.
  1. If you're in the dark, remember the Light.
  • Read and reflect on passages of Scripture like 1 John 2:8, "The darkness is passing away and the true light (of Jesus) is already shining."
  • Grieve and lament, because your darkness is worth grieving and lamenting. Jesus himself was a "man of sorrows, acquainted with grief…he bears our griefs and carries our sorrows" (Isaiah 53:3-4).
  • Attend a Sunday morning worship service where you can tangibly see, hear, and feel the presence of the Light in and through the music, the spoken word, and the presence of others.
  • Seek out and receive the help you need from others.

We live in the "already and not yet." Jesus has "already" come and his light is shining and will never be put out. Andhis kingdom has "not yet" come in its fullness. Darkness remains.

This Advent season, consider the darkness so that you might learn to grow in your longing for the light.

*all names have been changed to protect confidentiality.