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Celebrate Jesus with your Family this Christmas

November 28th, 2023

2 min read

By Candace Stoll



Just the word Christmas invokes a feeling, doesn’t it?

Feelings of excitement, joy, anticipation, adoration.

We feel enchanted as the city radiates beauty from the bright lights and vibrant decorations of holly and silver bells. There is a certain vibe that fills the crisp, cool air as we scavenge shops for the perfect gift for our loved ones. Calendars fill with every holiday event we can squeeze into our already busy schedules to make sure we truly optimize our Christmas experience.

And when our holiday season comes to an end, we want to be able to look back with satisfaction and say, “I did it! That was the best Christmas ever!” 

Except, is it ever the “best Christmas ever”?

Have you ever had the most envious Christmas decorations on your house and attended all the top holiday events in the city without a single meltdown and no fighting (yea, right), only to wake up the day after Christmas feeling…empty? Can you relate to the feelings of dread knowing the decorations need to be taken down and hours of cleaning lie ahead after all the company we have hosted?

Suddenly, we’re looking at a new to-do list, and we move on.

Christmas Joy Doesn’t Have to End

What if I told you that the adoration and awe the Christmas season brings is something you can experience year-round?

No, I don’t have some magic wand to wave or elaborate plan to campaign for “Christmas all year!” But, there is one part of Christmas that doesn’t have to leave our homes and our hearts when the season comes to an end. The most important reason for celebrating the holiday season can stay with us forever.

For centuries, God promised his people a Savior to mend the broken world. And after years of waiting, God’s promises came true through the birth of Jesus.

Jesus’s birth isn’t the only miracle. His life and death (and new life) changed everything for God’s people. It meant forgiveness of sins and restoration of our world and souls…a brokenness promised to one day, be taken away. An emptiness that could be filled.  A dread that could be overcome with pure joy. 

Let’s Give our Worship to Jesus

What if we shift our adoration this Christmas to truly focus on the birth of Jesus?

I’m not suggesting you forgo your fun events or neglect to decorate your house or to buy gifts for friends and family. All these things can be tangible reminders of why we celebrate Christmas.

For instance, what if we find joy in giving gifts to others because we consider the gift we have in Jesus? What if the magic of Christmas lights becomes a reminder that Jesus is the light of the world?

I am reminded of that old hymn, “O Come All Ye Faithful.”

O come all ye faithful
Joyful and triumphant
O come ye, o come ye to Bethlehem
Come and behold him
Born the King of Angels

O come let us adore him,
Christ, the Lord!

There is real joy found in worshiping and adoring Christ at Christmastime. And this joy doesn’t have to disappear when the holiday rush is over because, unlike the traditions we hold during the Christmas season, the truth that Jesus, our Savior, was born into this world is a truth that’s always worth celebrating.

So, as you face the busyness of another holiday season, you can find hope in knowing that Jesus has come. Even as the seasons change, this story will always be true.

How Can You Celebrate Jesus with Your Family this Christmas? 

This holiday season, Crossing Kids wants to help you “come and adore him.”

We pray that your family will find Jesus during your busy holiday season and praise him with your anticipation and hope. 

Use this list of family Christmas resources to help you celebrate Jesus.

Looking for more resources to help your family learn about Jesus throughout the year? Visit the Crossing Kids page for a regularly update list of books, devotionals, and Bibles for you and your kids.