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The Best Hour of Your Week: What I’ve Learned from Serving in Crossing Kids

By Keith Simon
Posted On Aug 04, 2022
How influential is a Sunday school teacher? You might be surprised to know what a big difference serving just one hour each week can make in the life of a child.

The Crossing’s Mid-Year Update, 2022

By Keith Simon
Posted On Jul 28, 2022
God has been at work at The Crossing this year! Read about what has happened so far and what exciting opportunities you can expect this fall.

Developing Daily Prayer: Why Discipline Won't Help You Rely on God

By Keith Simon
Posted On Jul 07, 2022
You know you should be praying more, but how do you make it a part of your daily routine? Read about how a life of prayer requires more than self-discipline.

You vs. The Universe: The Surprising Key to Living the Good Life

By Keith Simon
Posted On May 19, 2022
Want to live a fulling and meaningful life? Read about why the key to the good life has little to do with success and more to do with sacrifice.

The Best Books I Read in 2021

By Keith Simon
Posted On Dec 07, 2021
Looking for a new book or some motivation to get back into reading over Christmas break? Check out Keith Simon's favorite reads from 2021.

4 Signs the Pandemic Took a Toll on Your Faith

By Keith Simon
Posted On Sep 02, 2021
The pandemic has taken a toll on our health, but what about our faith? Keith Simon shares 4 ways your spiritual health might have been affected by COVID-19.