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40 Conversation Starters for Anyone Tired of Talking About Coronavirus

April 15th, 2020

2 min read

By Rebecca Milner

Guess what? This isn’t another post about coronavirus. Actually, quite the opposite. Now, there’s nothing wrong with frequently discussing an unsettling global pandemic. But sometimes, we all could use a break from the round-the-clock virus talk.

But, where to begin? Consider these thought-provoking conversation starters, designed for adults, both single and married, and kids of all ages. Use them with your family over dinner, your roommates during your backyard hangout sessions, or your friends or coworkers via FaceTime or Zoom.

Make it even more interesting by downloading and printing off these questions, cutting them out, and placing them in a jar. Take turns drawing them out and asking each other to answer. You might even be surprised what you learn about some of the people you’re closest to!


Have fun and enjoy your well-deserved detour from the constant Coronavirus conversations!


1. What are you most proud of yourself for accomplishing in the last year?


2. What are you most grateful for, right now, in this moment?


3. What’s one of the biggest lessons you’ve learned so far in your life?


4. Describe your idea of an absolutely perfect day.


5. What’s something you learned a little too late?


6. If a movie was made about your life, what celebrity would play you?


7. What are you too hard on yourself for?


8. What’s something that people underestimate about you?


9. What’s something you probably should do, but never will?


10. What’s the best thing about how your parents raised/are raising you?


11. What do you look forward to the most about getting older?


12. What’s something you tried really hard to like, but you just couldn’t?


13. If you could pick one place to live for the rest of your life, where would it be? 


14. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?


15. If you could drop everything and go on a road trip tomorrow, where would you go?


16. What’s something that makes you nervous?


17. What makes your angrier than it should?


18. What three objects that you own do you value the most?


19. What trip has most affected your life so far?


20. What’s one time that someone made you feel great about yourself?


21. Who is your all-time favorite teacher and what did you like most about them?


22. What’s your most embarrassing memory in life so far?


23. What’s your favorite room of your house and why?


24. Is there something you would like to change about yourself? What is it and why?


25. What’s a hobby/activity that you used to enjoy, but no longer do?


26. If you could change your first name, what name would you choose?


27. If you could only have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?


28. If you had $5,000 and only one day to spend it, what would you do with it?


29. If you could spend an entire day with a fictional character, who would it be?


30. If you could spend an entire day with a famous person, dead or alive, who would it be?


31. What has been the best part of your week so far?


32. What’s one mistake you keep repeating?


33. What’s the most memorable dream you’ve ever had?


34. What are you amazingly good at doing?


35. What do you love the most about your hometown?


36. What are five things that you really enjoy doing with your family?


37. What’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten?


38. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?


39. What’s something that you could easily talk about for 30 minutes straight?


40. What are three words that describe you?


Looking for more things to do while you’re stuck at home? Check out this list of 30 quarantine-friendly activities for some inspiration.