June 14th, 2020
2 min read
Proverbs 6:23 says, “Correction and instruction are the way to life….”
Did you know that spending time correcting our children the right way doesn’t just lead to the shallow, short-term effects of behavior modification? It actually leads to life, according to the Bible. The kind of soul-satisfying, abundant life that God intends for them.
Do you believe that? I know I do…but easier said than done, right? Several years ago, I had a chance to attend a heart-based parenting conference put on by the National Center for Biblical Parenting that had some practical suggestions for how to correct children. The focus of the conference and their books is on building a child’s character and not just “whipping the kid into shape.”
Here are some pointers I learned and have tried to put into practice in our home over the years.
The three heart-targeted questions below will help parents and caretakers correct children in a way that is more than just behavior modification. These questions get to the core issues in a child’s heart and prepare him/her to deal with sin rightly before God and others for a lifetime.
It takes time to have conversations, and we must make space in our day for this by not packing our schedules. How hard is this for American families? When we have to rush from one thing to the next, it’s hard to have substantive conversations that can produce the fruit in a child’s life that God wants for them.
When more than one child is involved in the offense, each child usually has a part in a conflict (even if they are only 10% to blame). Remind each child that “how you respond is your own responsibility.”
As part of the correction plan, the speakers at the conference suggested asking three heart-targeted questions to kids when they do wrong. I’ve found these to be very helpful!
Download a PDF version of the following questions to help remember them and put them into practice later.
“I love you and you are forgiven.”
“Time for a new start now!”
“Go try again. I know you can do what we talked about.”
Imagine the life-long impact we can have on the little hearts that God has entrusted to us if we take the time to have a conversation like the one above regularly. I’ll be praying for each parent or caretaker who reads this post, as you strive to deal with correction in a heart-targeted way. May God bless you as you lead your child to the way of LIFE.
Download a PDF version of these three questions to help you remember them later so that you can put them into practice with your family. For more ideas on how to make the most of this summer with kids, check out our new page: Parenting During a Pandemic.