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11 Books on Race: Recommendations from Pastor Keith Simon

By Keith Simon
Posted On Jun 05, 2020
With civil unrest and protests, many white people are asking, How'd we get here? These books help us understand the history of racism in America.

9 Novels about Race and Ethnicity for Young Readers

By Emily Pilkington
Posted On Jun 01, 2020
Want to help your young reader expand their knowledge of people who are different from them? Check out this book list to learn from a set of diverse voices

Children’s Books for Racial Justice, Equity, and Reconciliation

By Emily Pilkington
Posted On Jun 01, 2020
You might be asking, How can I help my children listen to, understand, and value those whose lives don’t look like theirs? One answer: children's books.

Hurry Sickness: The Disease Infecting Us All

By Alex Moore
Posted On May 31, 2020
Do you ever feel unrest? Anxiety? Discontentment? In his book, John Mark Comer calls this hurry sickness. Turns out, I have it. But there's a solution.

5 Recommended Books About Trusting God in Hard Times

By Keith Simon
Posted On Mar 17, 2020
When life gets tough, it can be hard to believe that God is good and present in the situation. Check out these books about how to trust God no matter what.

5 Books to Help You Think About Faith and Work

By Anna Lynne Frazier
Posted On Feb 12, 2020
Check out these five books about faith and work to help Christians think more deeply about how we're spending half our lives.