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Why We Can’t Say No to Foster Care

By Patrick Miller
Posted On Apr 09, 2023
Learn how The Crossing can be a church that reflects the love of Jesus to foster children and foster families in our community.
desolate man without head

Is the Rapture Real?

By Patrick Miller
Posted On Feb 02, 2023
What you believe about the end times matters. But is pop culture shaping your view more than the what the Bible says?

Bible Study Tools for the 21st Century

By Patrick Miller
Posted On Jan 12, 2023
Crossing pastor Patrick Miller shares some tools to help you know your Bible better in our digital world.

The Real Reason You Don’t Have Time To Read the Bible

By Patrick Miller
Posted On Jan 11, 2023
What is keeping you from reading your Bible? Maybe the problem isn't busyness, maybe the thing keeping your from reading your Bible is your own priorities.

Introducing the TMBT Bible Reading Plan

By Patrick Miller
Posted On Dec 31, 2022
Join TMBT this year and read through the New Testament as way to deepen your relationship with Jesus.

How to Live Simply (And Resist Consumerism) this Christmas

By Patrick Miller
Posted On Dec 15, 2022
Simplifying your life isn't just good for your budget, it's good for your heart. Read why resisting consumerism can change the way you experience Christmas.