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Do You Know Your Enemy?

By Shay Roush
Posted On Jul 18, 2024
Man Christians live as if Satan doesn’t exist, but Jesus believed he’s a very real enemy to be resisted. And so should we.

5 Questions Alexa Can’t Answer

By Austin Conner
Posted On Feb 08, 2024
Many of life’s questions require deeper investigation and collective wisdom to answer. Read how With You in the Weeds can help you find answers to complex questions.

Would You Pass a Stress Test?

By Lynn Roush, LPC
Posted On Feb 01, 2024
Discover the impact of stress on your emotional, physical, and mental well-being. Learn how to navigate stress with the help of the With You in the Weeds counseling team.

Start Managing Your Relationships From With You in the Weeds

By Austin Conner
Posted On Mar 02, 2023
Have a relationship in your life that needs work? You're not alone! This new podcast series will help you manage the important relationships in your life.

Introducing With You in the Weeds: A Podcast to Help You Grow (While Managing the Weeds of Life)

By Shay and Lynn Roush
Posted On Feb 23, 2023
Do you need counseling? The newest podcast from The Crossing's team of professional counselors and pastors is here to answer that question for you, and provide some help along the way.