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The Crossing is turning 25 in 2025. And we need your help to celebrate.

Throughout history, God has called his people to remember his past faithfulness. This enables them to praise him in the present and look to the future with confident hope.

As we take this year to reflect on the past 25 years of The Crossing, we are humbled by the fact that none of this could have been possible without God's faithfulness. No one except God knows the whole story of his faithfulness over the past 25 years, but we want to remember and give thanks for as much as we can!  

That's where you come in. 

How has God used The Crossing to be faithful in your life? How has he used this church community to give you hope, redemption, and a vision for life with him?  

When you share your story, you're connecting the dots of the story God is telling at The Crossing, and it makes a difference in the lives of those who hear it.

Fill out the form to share your story of how God has been faithful in the past 25 years together at The Crossing. 

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